Kiryagana Mathew
Kiryagana Mathew, a bright and energetic boy born on March 25, 2017, dreams of becoming a doctor to heal the sick and improve the lives of others. He is the second of five children. His compassionate nature shines through in his love for animals and his enjoyment of dancing and playing soccer. Despite facing numerous challenges, Kiryagana remains optimistic and determined. He is a curious and eager learner, always seeking knowledge and exploring the world around him.
Kiryagana’s Journey
Kiryagana’s journey to education is filled with obstacles. His family faces numerous hardships, including limited access to clean water and inadequate nutrition. Often, the family only has one meal a day, making it difficult for Kiryagana to concentrate on his studies. The lack of essential school supplies, such as a school bag, uniform, and shoes, creates further barriers to his learning. Despite these challenges, Kiryagana remains hopeful and continues to work hard at school, driven by his dream of becoming a doctor and making a positive impact on the world. He is eager to learn and grow, and with the support of caring individuals, he can overcome these obstacles and achieve his full potential.
How Your $35 Donation Can Make a Difference
Your donation can make a significant difference in Kiryagana’s life. Here’s how it will be used:
School Essentials: A portion of the funds will be used to purchase a school bag, notebooks, uniform, and shoes, enabling him to attend school comfortably and with confidence.
Improved Health and Well-being: A portion will contribute towards improving access to clean water and enhancing family farming systems, ensuring Kiryagana has the energy and strength to learn and grow.
Empowering Kiryagana’s Future: The remaining funds will support his health care services helping him achieve his dream of becoming a doctor.
By supporting Kiryagana, you are not just helping a child in need; you are investing in his education, his health, and his future. Your kindness and support will empower him to overcome challenges and achieve his dream of becoming a doctor and making a positive impact on the world.