
Fidel Masawi, born on August 18, 2018, in Sinoko Village, Kenya, is the third of four children living with a single mother. He dreams of becoming a pilot. Sadly, due to school supplies constraints, Fidel may not be able to attend school in 2025. However, he remains hopeful of completing his education and supporting his community. Fidel is a bright child who enjoys helping his teacher and loves playing football, car toys, and hide-and-seek.

Fidel’s Journey:

Fidel’s journey mirrors the struggles faced by many children in Sinoko Village. Subsistence farming, plagued by poor soil quality and traditional methods, leads to low yields and frequent food shortages, trapping families in a cycle of poverty. This, coupled with limited access to clean water and inadequate sanitation, fosters the spread of diseases like diarrhea and typhoid, further undermining the community’s well-being. Children like Fidel often go hungry, impacting their growth and development. Despite these hardships, Fidel dreams of becoming a pilot, showcasing his resilience and determination. However, his aspiration underscores the urgent need for interventions that address the root causes of poverty and empower children in Sinoko Village to break free from this cycle.

How Your Donation of $ 35 Can Be Used:

Your $35 monthly sponsorship will directly support Fidel’s education and improve the overall well-being of his community. Specifically, your contribution will:

Fund Fidel’s education: Provide him with school supplies like uniforms, bags, shoes, and notebooks.
Support community water point: Contribute towards drilling a borehole for clean water, installing a solar and water systems aiming to eradicate waterborne diseases.
Support family food production: Part of the donation will support family food production efforts to enhance food security.

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